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主演:阿爾多 吉歐瓦尼 吉奧科默 Lucia Mascino Carlotta Natoli Maria Di Biase 馬西莫·拉涅里 米凱萊·普拉奇多 羅伯託·西特蘭 弗朗切斯科·布蘭迪 卡羅·盧卡·德·魯傑裏 彼得羅·拉古薩 Sabrina Martina Davide Calgaro Edoardo Vaino Ilary Marzo Melissa Marzo Valeria Colombo Millie Fortunato Asquini Harald Ottesen Nødtvedt
Three families end up in the same rented house. Throughout the summer, they become friends and rediscover how to enjoy life.Gimy.Video 劇迷影視