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主演:赫爾曼·戈林 威廉二世皇帝 威廉皇儲 約瑟夫·霞飛 雷蒙·普恩加萊 喬治五世 亨利·菲利浦·貝當 讓·雷諾阿 夏爾·安德烈·約瑟夫·馬裏·戴高樂 保羅·馮·興登堡 埃裏希·馮·魯登道夫
A gripping and shocking documentary composed of numerous colorized archive footage. Apocalypse: Verdun takes us to the infamous and bloody battle of Verdun that occurred in February 1916, when World War I had been raging for two years.Gimy.Video 劇迷影視