Mimi is a Bollywood drama, helmed by Laxman Utekar. The movie stars Kriti Sanon and Pankaj Tripathi and Rakesh Krushna Joshi in the lead roles. The movie is produced by Maddock Films and Jio Studios.
Mimi is a Bollywood drama, helmed by Laxman Utekar. The movie stars Kriti Sanon and Pankaj Tripathi and Rakesh Krushna Joshi in the lead roles. The movie is produced by Maddock Films and Jio Studios.
主演:塞繆爾·傑克遜,約翰·大衛·華盛頓,丹妮爾·戴德懷勒,雷·費舍爾,科裏·霍金斯,邁克爾·波茨,Skylar Smith,史蒂芬·詹姆士,埃麗卡·巴杜,Malik J Ali,查麗蒂·喬丹,Isaiah Gunn,Matrell Smith,傑瑞卡·辛頓,蓋爾·比恩,Hanniel Joseph,保萊塔·華盛頓,奧利維亞·華盛頓,Kylee D. Allen,Deetta West
主演:塞繆爾·傑克遜,約翰·大衛·華盛頓,丹妮爾·戴德懷勒,雷·費舍爾,科裏·霍金斯,邁克爾·波茨,Skylar Smith,史蒂芬·詹姆士,埃麗卡·巴杜,Malik J Ali,查麗蒂·喬丹,Isaiah Gunn,Matrell Smith,傑瑞卡·辛頓,蓋爾·比恩,Hanniel Joseph,保萊塔·華盛頓,奧利維亞·華盛頓,Kylee D. Allen,Deetta West