Cagefighter follows mixed martial arts champion Reiss (Herdman) who unexpectedly loses a heavily promoted match to Randy Stone, a WWE star who is making his crossover debut in the MMA fighting world. Cagefighter follows mixed martial arts champion Reiss (Herdman) who unexpectedly loses a heavily promoted match to Randy Stone, a WWE star who is making his crossover debut in the MMA fighting world.
主演:琦普·帕杜,西爾維斯特·史泰龍,蒂爾·施威格,艾斯黛拉·沃倫,伯特·雷諾茲,斯塔西·愛德華茲,克里斯蒂安·德·拉·弗恩特,吉娜·格申,布蘭特·布里斯科,羅伯特·肖恩·萊納德,薇若娜·普什,傑思敏瓦格納,Chip Ganassi,John Della Penna,Dan Duran,雷尼·哈林,邁克·布瓦韋爾,簡·莫凡特,讓·阿萊西,邁克爾·安德雷蒂,Kenny Br?ck,Patrick Carpentier,Cristiano Da Matta,Adrian Fernández,Christian Fi