Bethany has been kidnapped Avondale's popular kids for a surprise birthday party to celebrate her sweet sixteen. They don't realise that Bethany is the target of the monstrous 'Thorn', and nothing will stand in his way.
主演:伊麗莎白二世,Princess Beatrice,大衛·貝克漢姆,Anthony Burt,邁克爾·凱恩,Princess Charlotte of Cambridge,戴維·卡梅倫,Clementine Churchill,溫斯頓·丘吉爾,馬丁·克魯勒斯,奧利維婭·科爾曼,Sophie Countess of Wessex,夏爾·安德烈·約瑟夫·馬裏·戴高樂,Jerome de Piro,Nicholas de Piro,凱特·米德爾頓,尤金妮公主,Lady Gaga,譚妮·葛雷-湯普森,倫尼·亨利,喬