主演:亞娜·延扎耶娃 康斯坦丁·貝洛沙普卡 伊戈爾·赫裏普諾夫 薩比娜·阿赫梅多娃 安德烈·扎沃久克 安娜·瓦塔尼揚
Dark Spell is a story about the girl named Zhenya who suffers from being in love with her husband that has left her, so she decides to bring him back. Desperate heroine casts a spell called Black Wedding, which is a magical ritual known for its great power and irreversibility. After the ritual, her beloved husband comes back, although his love becomes more like an obsession he is even ready to kill Zhenya, so as not to give her to anyone. When the maddened husband dies, the spell does not stop because even death will not part those who were betrothed by the demon of black wedding.Gimy.Video 劇迷影視