One year after the brutal death of a young man, the residents of an apartment complex are targeted by a mysterious killer known as The Druid.One year after the brutal death of a young man, the residents of an apartment complex are targeted by a mysterious killer known as The Druid.
主演:科爾曼·多明戈,瑪莎·斯蒂芬妮·布萊克,德翁·科爾,Thaddeus J. Mixson,洛克蘭·雷·米勒,Hudson Robert Wurster,Amanda Ramsaran,斯蒂芬·亨德森,克里斯·亨利·科菲,德魯·維爾戈維爾,塔姆馨·託波爾斯基,艾爾·斯帕恩扎,史蒂夫·拜爾斯,迪恩·阿姆斯特朗,蘭內特·瓦雷,Bri Neal,傑夫·羅普,Ashton James,Breton Lalama,阿萊克斯·伍茲